
African American Man Working on His Home

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Photos of African American families: When renovating a home, you should use a damp sponge or cloth to clean dust collected on a window sill, as the dust may contain asbestos or lead-based paint. Home maintenance is an ongoing process for any homeowner, and here we see an African-American man as he was preparing a window in his home for a general cleaning.

Airborne particulates including dust and pollen, should be removed from the inside of ones home, as much as possible, thereby, reducing the detrimental effects these substances have upon the respiratory system, sometimes resulting in sinus infections, and asthma. When cleaning windows, or when involved in activities that result in propagation of airborne irritants, personal protective equipment should be worn, including a facial respirator, goggles, gloves, and if need be, knee pads, as well as clothing appropriate for the activity. Also using a damp dusting, or mopping technique, reduces airborne particulates. These activities should be conducted in a well-ventilated area.

keywords: African-American Man, installing a window, construction, labor, 11403