
Gram-positive Clostridium Subterminale Bacteria Stock Photo

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Bioterrorism Stock Photos – Magnified 956X, this Gram-stained photomicrograph depicted numbers of the Gram-positive Clostridium subterminale bacteria, which had been cultivated on a blood agar plate (BAP), over a time period of 48 hours.

Clostridium is a genus of anaerobic, spore forming bacteria in the family Bacillaceae. C. subterminale is a frequent inhabitant of soil. A number of Clostridium spp. are highly pathogenic to humans. Members including C. perfringens, and C. septicum, are known to be a cause of gas gangrene in humans, due to their production of a potent exotoxin, and C. botulinum is the cause of botulism food poisoning.

Keywords: Bioterrorism diseases, bioterrorism agents, Botulism, Clostridium botulinum, medical stock photos, 12055