
Space Shuttle Atlantis Returns to Earth

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Space Shuttle Atlantis Returns to Earth

Space Shuttle Photos – The Space Shuttle Atlantis returns to Earth after mission STS-30 landing at Edwards Air Force Base, CA. At 3:43:38 EDT. The orbiter Atlantis was launched form Kennedy Space Center May 4, 1989 at 2:46:59 p.m. EDT carrying into low Earth orbit the spacecraft Magellan. It was Atlantis’ fourth shuttle mission. Approximately six hours after launch, Magellan was deployed from the Atlantis payload bay beginning its 15 month long journey to the planet Venus. Crew members of STS-30 were: Commander David M. Walker; Pilot Ronald J. Grabe; and Mission Specialists Mark C. Lee, Norman E. Thagard, and Mary L. Cleave.

keywords: NASA images, Atlantis, Space Shuttle landing, STS-30