Military Stock Photo – In front of the combined Romanian and U.S. Marines troop formation, Maj. Todd M. Schunk, logistics officer, Black Sea Rotational Force 11, stands at parade rest during the opening ceremony for the five-month operation. About 200 Romanian and U.S. Marines, along with Romanian and U.S. military officers, Romanian civilian leaders, and news media attended the opening ceremony on the recently built Mihail Kogalniceau Romanian Land Forces base here.
United States Marines

Romanian Priest Blesses Army Base
Military Stock Photo – Romanian Father Dumitru Bostan blesses the U.S. and Romanian troops during the invocation to start the opening ceremony for Black Sea Rotational Force 11. About 200 Romanian and U.S. Marines, along with Romanian and U.S. military officers, Romanian civilian leaders, and news media attended the opening ceremony on the recently built Mihail Kogalniceau Romanian Land Forces base here.

Romanian Platoon Sergeant
Military Stock Photo – While standing in a combined troop formation of Romanian and U.S. Marines, a Romanian platoon sergeant reports accountability at an opening ceremony for Black Sea Rotational Force 11 on April 27. About 200 Romanian and U.S. Marines, along with Romanian and U.S. military officers, Romanian civilian leaders, and news media attended the opening ceremony on the recently built Mihail Kogalniceau Romanian Land Forces base here.

Romanian and American Flags
Military Stock Photo – The national colors of Romania and the United States of America are presented as the Romanian Navy band plays their national anthems at an opening ceremony for Black Sea Rotational Force 11 on April 27. About 200 Romanian and U.S. Marines, along with Romanian and U.S. military officers, Romanian civilian leaders, and news media attended the opening ceremony on the recently built Mihail Kogalniceau Romanian Land Forces base here.

Marine Corps Air Station Auto Hobby Shop
Military Stock Photo – King Wong poses next to machinery in the Marine Corps Air Station Auto Hobby Shop April 26, 2011. After 16 years as the shop’s manager, Wong’s auto hobby center was recognized as one of the best auto shops in the Corps before he retires July 15, 2011. “He has done a lot of innovative things at the hobby shop, far above what is expected of him. We really hate to see him go. The next guy has big shoes to fill,” said David Rodriguez, station environmental director.

Marine Corps Fire Department Firefighter
Military Stock Photo – Ken Kobayashi, Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni Fire Department firefighter, points out where all the hoses used to fight fires with connect to the water tank inside the truck at the Matthew C. Perry Elementary School playground here April 25. The hose attaches to the truck where the knob is pulled, filling the hose with water, allowing the fire fighters to shoot water at a fire. The MCAS Iwakuni Fire Department firefighters took time out of their day to visit the elementary school students and demonstrate their day-to-day job. The students listened in awe as they learned information about firefighting they did not know before.
Brig. Gen. William D. Beydler presents a leadership award
Military Stock Photo – (LEFT) Brig. Gen. William D. Beydler, 1st Marine Air Wing commanding officer, presents a leadership award to Capt. Peter Y. Ban, Marine Wing Support Squadron 171 naval flight officer, here April 25. The award was presented to Ban for his role as the airfield operations company commander during Operation Invincible Spirit in Pohang, South Korea. Ban led a detachment of approximately 100 Marines to Pohang with less than 96 hours notice. After receiving word, Ban had all personnel and equipment identified, prepared and ready to support the exercise in less than 48 hours.

Sgt. Major Speaks to 2000 Marines
Military Stock Photo – Sgt. Maj. of the Marine Corps Carlton W. Kent, who has served as the Corps’ highest ranking enlisted member since April 2007, speaks to approximately 2,000 Marines and sailors from various units at Camp Del Mar here April 26, saying farewell before his scheduled retirement in June. In attendance were service members from the 11th and 15th Marine Expeditionary Units, 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion, Assault Amphibian School Battalion, 3rd Civil Affairs Group, Corporals Course, I Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters Group and I MEF Training and Experimentation Group.