Military Stock Photo – Lance Cpl. xxxxxxxx, a radio operator with India Company, 3rd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, and Pfc. Roberto xxxxxxx, a rifleman with India Co., 3/3, drag a simulated casualty to safety during counter-improvised explosive device training at Marine Corps Training Area Bellows, Hawaii, April 26, 2011. The training was part of a two-week evolution that allowed 3/3 Marines to learn and practically apply counter-IED techniques under the watchful eye of instructors from the Marine Corps Engineer Center of Excellence. During mounted and dismounted patrols, MCEC instructors introduced simulated IED explosions, small arms fire and casualty scenarios in order to guide Marines on how to mitigate the threat of IEDs, and respond to their detonation.

U.S. Marines drag a simulated casualty to safety
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